Here it is
On the fun side: Tonight is the David Crowder/Shane & Shane concert!!!!!!!!!!!!
When news that good it's impossible to use to may '!'!!!!!
Grad school - is it worth it?
This lecture refers to Darwinian evolution. Evolution is only a theory. Others believe another explanation may be equally validIt was in jest. Yet, it was at that point that it dawned on me: There are MANY "theories" regarding fetal development, carcinogenesis, even the history of our nation. Still, when a researcher gives a talk on how he perceives a particular process based upon the data he's collected, he isn't required to give a caveat explaining that other theories exist. Should he be? Do I need to know about all relating theories to hear one? It's just something I've noticed.
Chest X-rays confirmed a wristwatch and two rings in the distal oesophagus. An otolaryngologist performed rigid oesophagoscopy, but the watch migrated into the stomach. A flexible gastroscopy was performed and a Casio digital wristwatch, displaying the correct time, and two signet rings were identified in the stomach and removed using a snare.It takes a lickin' (literally)...
6c)If you were god designing the retina for this species, what detector spacing would you specify so as to satisfy the Nyquist sampling condition?